Your neighborhood elected Democratic Party leaders
About the 48th Ward
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. What is the 48th Ward? . Where is the 48th Ward located? . What is the Voting Record for the 48th . What is a ‘Division’? . Explaining the Ward Leadership – Ward Leader, Committee People, Committees . Contact the 48th Ward – Facebook, Email, Instagram, Twitter
What is the 48th Ward?
Location of Ward 48 in the City of Philadelphia
Locations of the 66 Democratic Wards
For voting purposes, the City of Philadelphia is broken down into 66 geographical regions called ‘wards‘. Our Ward, number 48 out of the 66 Philadelphia Democratic Wards, is marked in red on the map shown above. The Philadelphia ‘Ward system’ organizes just over 796,000 Democratic-registered voters into a framework for grassroots, or community level, politics.Ward 48 is an open ward – meaning that candidate endorsements are voted on by the community-elected Committee People from all 23 neighborhood level divisions.
Where is the 48th Ward?
The 48th Ward includes portions of the neighborhoods known as Point Breeze, East Point Breeze (Newbold), and Gray’s Ferry. The Ward is:
the Ward is bounded on the North by Moore Street — between South Broad Street on the East and the Schuylkill River on the West, with the addition of those streets from S. 29th Street to Vare Avenue which extend North to Tasker Avenue. This includes the 1600 and the 1700 blocks of Vare, Douglas, Natrona, Napa, Corlies, and Hollywood Streets and South 29th, South 30th, South 31st, South 32nd, South 33rd, Vare Avenue and 34th Streets. This addition also includes the 3100 block of Fernon Street, between 31st and 32nd Streets.
the Ward is bounded on the South by West Passyunk Avenue from South Broad Street on the East to the Schuylkill River on the West.
The Ward is bounded on the East by South Broad Street (the 1800 and 1900 blocks) and on the West by the Schuylkill River.
Our Ward and Some of its Recent Voting Record:
As of June 2022, Ward 48 has 13, 113 registered voters, the majority of whom are Democrat.
In 2019, the Ward had 11,789 voters, 10, 340 of which (90%) were Democrats. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of these possible voters (2792 residents) participated in the ‘off-year’ 2019 General election when we voted for Mayor, City Council members, and Judges.
In 2018, thirty-one percent of the Ward’s Democratic Party registered voters participated in the Primary election, helping select the nominees for State Representative, Democratic Party delegates to the Democratic National Convention, and Committee People in the Democratic City Committee.
In May 2022, 21.9% (2872 voters) participated in the off-year Primary election when party nominees for November 2022’s General Election were selected to run against Republican candidates for the offices of Governor, Lt. Governor, US Congressional Representative, US Senator, PA State Representative and PA State Senator. State and Ward Democratic Committee People were also elected to 4 year terms in this same Primary, and several City Charter measures were voted on a Ballot Questions.
Some Ward 48 statistics:
14,555 citizens over the age of 18 live in Ward 48 as of 2019. (*New residential numbers are forthcoming from the 2020 census).
13,113 registered voters as of May 2022. In 2019, 79% of 12, 388 voters were Democrat.
What is a Division?
Each of the 66 wards is further broken down into between 11 and 51 ‘divisions‘ — also known as voting districts. Each division has its own polling place. All together across the city there are 1,686 divisions (or polling locations). These divisions are the smallest political units of the city. By law, each division is required to contain no fewer than 100 and no more than 1,200 registered voters. The 48th Ward has 23 Divisions or Voting Districts.
Ward Leader Anton Moore’s first election as Ward Leader for the 2018-2022 term, June 10, 2018. (second from left). Moore overseeing the counting of ballots for Ward officers alongside previous Ward Leader Lee Schwartz (Ward service, 2010-2018, right). Past and (then) newly re-elected Ward Chair Shirley Johnson (2nd from right), and Committee Person Terrance Carpenter (left, back) and (then) new Committee Person John O. Mason looks on.
Every four years, up to two Committee People are elected by the Democratic voters living in each Division of the Ward. These elected neighborhood representatives then elect a leader of the Ward known as the Ward Leader. At the meeting where this occurs (every four years) other Ward leadership is determined: 1st Ward Chair, 2nd Ward Chair, 3rd Ward Chair, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer and, in most cases, a Sargent of Arms.
Events Committee – Hospitality Committee – Fundraising – Community Outreach – Social Media – Beautification – Housing – Jobs – Voter Registration Committee- Webpage – Patrice L. Jeppson
August 14, 2018, Ward Meeting, Dixon House.
Contact the 48th Ward:
Use this form to contact the Ward Leader or the Committee People for your Division (click here).
48th Ward Committee Person Appreciation Picnic, August 25, 2022.Ward 48 Committee People get ready to get out the vote during the September 28th, 2022 Ward Meeting.
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